
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Award!

Thank you so much to Preppy Days for nominating me for the Superior Scribbler Award! It always makes my day to know that people actually enjoy reading my blog! I love to share my gift ideas with you, and hope that you continue to read.

Make sure that you stop by the Preppy Days blog and check out all of the neat gifts that she offers (she's one of the gals at Three Chickadees). She also has a giveaway every Friday, but please don't enter because I want to win!!! Seriously though, stop by and say hello!

I would like to nominate:

1. Tickled Pink & Green (I would love to run into her snapping pictures at Target or Wal-mart)!

2.The Pink Clutch (She always has funny stories PLUS a very cool store)

3. Preppy Pink Crocodile (She always tells it like it is! Very sassy!)

4. Puttin' On The GRITS (I just started reading this one-love it, wish I had found it sooner!)

5. Monograms & Manicures (She is just plain nice to read, and has great taste in clothes!)


Muffy said...

CONGRATS!!!! You deserve it!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

Thank you!!!! I can't wait to start reading yours!

Hopsy said...

THANK YOU for the award and your kind comments. I love you blog background!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Aw- thanks!! So sweet!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Thank you!!